Our MissionChild Evangelism Fellowship is an International Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.
Our Vision |
Every ChildGod has given His people a clear commission—to reach every creature with the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our special mission in CEF is to evangelize every child. In the last ministry year our workers worldwide reached over 22.8 million children! CEF is committed to reaching 15 percent more each year. Strategic ministry choices such as Good News Across America, the One Billion Children by 2027 project, Good News Club in public schools, summer outreaches such as the 5-Day Club, Christmas Across America, and concentrating on high potential growth countries will help us reach this goal.
Every NationCEF is a worldwide ministry serving in every region of the world in an ever expanding way. We are trusting God to continue to open doors for us around the world.
Every DayWe are committed to leading children to be in God’s Word every day. As children grow in their relationship with the Lord through meditating on His Word, they develop godly character, which produces much fruit to the glory of God, including spreading the Gospel to their peers. We now have over 800,000 Wonder Devotional Books in Africa. Right now we are working to reach 500,000 children in Asia with the books.
Our Strategy |
TrainingTraining is offered worldwide with the support of our education department. The training of local workers and volunteers multiplies our ministry and enables us to reach many more children with the Gospel than we otherwise could. Through Super Seminars, Teaching Children Effectively™ courses and the 12-week Children’s Ministries Institute courses, CEF is enabling those with a burden for children to effectively evangelize them. For the past eight years we have trained over 250,000 teachers every year. We have institutes in every region. Training is key if we are to see more children reached for His glory. We want to challenge more of the workers we have trained to enter full-time ministry.
EquippingEquipping the volunteer teachers is the primary goal of our literature ministries, which includes literature development and production. Because many of our workers are in developing nations and are unable to afford the needed curriculum, we distribute materials to trained teachers, free of charge. Our regional directors confirm that this is one of the reasons we have expanded ministry over the last ten years. Our goal is to send more and more material every month.
In addition to our biblically sound and colorfully illustrated Bible curriculum, some of the most strategic tools we offer are the 60-Day Wonder Devotional Books, which encourage children to begin a lifetime habit of time alone with God. We are also known for our evangelism tools, such as The Wordless Book. SupportingIn CEF we need a growing number of national workers on the front lines to see the children evangelized and we also need an increasing support team to get behind these workers – both are vitally important. The work of CEF cannot continue without the Lord’s provision. We are committed to helping our workers in different parts of the world present the need for resources within their own countries. However, in many countries, because of poverty or oppression, it is impossible to raise the needed support from within. For this reason we are committed to building a connection between those who are called and equipped by God to do ministry and those who are blessed and able to provide the finances needed to sustain it. God is our source—we “trust Him and tell His people”—the rest is up to Him. So our prayer is that the Lord will send out more laborers and also that He will raise up a team of supporters for them. We are creating a new and more effective Sponsor a National™program to enable ministry growth and worker retention across the world. “How will they hear without a preacher?” CEF is looking to God to provide for 1,000 SPAN workers, supported appropriately and consistently so that the work goes forward.